Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week 5: Session 1

on the treadmill 
5 minute warm up 
Run for 2minutes and 30 seconds and walk for 2minutes and 30 seconds (repeat 10 times/50minutes) 
5 minute cool down
5.90km in 60 minutes

Today was extremely hard, there were supposed to be 12 repeats but that didn't happen.
Even the 10 I managed to do were really hard,  my legs felt really heavy and my butt must have weight 300lbs. 
The Plan was to get up at 5am and run ... BUT since this was going to be a longer session and I needed at least 1hr and 20 minutes between run/walk, warm up, cool down and stretching I decided last night that I was better off doing the session after dinner, at around 7:30pm.
WELL... lets just say it took a LOT of convincing to get myself on the treadmill tonight.  After working for 8 hrs, picking up the kids, helping with homework, making dinner, cleaning the kitchen, helping with showers and getting ready for bed... running was the last thing I wanted to do. I'm happy I did it and although I didn't complete todays session, I do feel accomplished.
Today my friend Ana send me this song its by Mikkel Solnado titled "We Can Do Anything" and I thought it was perfect, because YOU can do anything you put your mind to.  No matter how impossible it seems at first, you just need to believe in yourself. 
You have the power within to make it happen.  
That's how I feel about running... it seems so impossible right now, BUT I need to believe in myself and I know that I can do it.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


Pining for Pinterest said...

You can do it!! Great job still getting in your run!!

Claudia said...

Thanks Staci for the encouragement, it means a lot!!